IPC (Isoelectric Point Calculator) is public domain software The IPC software, including web service, source code and documentation, is donated to the public domain. You may therefore freely copy it for any legal purpose you wish. Acknowledgement of authorship and citation in publications is appreciated: Kozlowski LP IPC - Isoelectric Point Calculator. Biology Direct 2016;11:55. PMID: 27769290, doi: 10.1186/s13062-016-0159-9 Please, report evidence of IPC bugs to the Author: lukasz[dot]kozlowski[dot]lpk[at]gmail[dot]com Disclaimer of warranty THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This license (or actually lack of it) replaces old, more restrictive license (http://www.isoelectric.org/license_old.txt) since 08.09.2019.