QT4 version of
Isoelectric Point Calculator v. 1.0
Protein isoelectric point calculator
Links to other online  isoelectric
point estimation tools


PDB and SwissProt databases with precalculated molecular weight and isoelectric points

For large scale analyses of known proteins from PDB and SwissProt (Uniprot)  molecular weight or/and theoretical isoelectric point are available:

Uniprot.part01.rar Uniprot.part02.rar Uniprot.part03.rar Uniprot.part04.rar Uniprot.part05.rar



Files are compressed via rar. For Linux you need to install unrar (e.g. sudo apt-get install unrar) and type in the shell: unrar e uniprot.part01.rar

File content details:
id mol_weight average_pI(DTASelect, EMBOSS, Grimsley, Lehninger, Patrickios, Rodwell, Sillero, Solomon,Wikipedia, ProMoST)
where id is PDB or SwissProt identifier. Note that average isoelectric point is calculated from all scales except Patrickios (highly simplified scale often leads to bizzare result)

C6DJ78  35458.6 6.2(6.45,6.4,4.34,5.98,6.36,6.01,6.01)
Q58380  16519.0 6.45(6.71,6.71,4.44,6.21,6.61,6.22,6.25)


1azb_A  13989.0 7.36(7.45,7.56,4.25,7.18,7.57,7.26,7.16)
3i36_A  39840.5 7.76(7.76,7.88,4.13,7.61,8.01,7.7,7.57)

last updated 04.12.2013