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Theoretical basis of isoelectric point calculation, i.e. how to calculate isoelectric point of protein
Protein isoelectric point calculator
Free QT4 version of
Isoelectric Point Calculator v. 1.0

Practical point of view (examplary program, which can calculate isoelectric point of given protein)

A Naive Algorithm

- first we count charged amino acids:

for ( i = 0; i <= protein.length() - 1; ++i)
              if (protein[i] == Asp)

              if (protein[i] == Glu)

              if (protein[i] == Cys)

              if (protein[i] == Tyr)

              if (protein[i] == His)

              if (protein[i] == Lys)

              if (protein[i] == Arg)

- and then calculate the equation:

    QN1=-1/(1+pow(10,(3.65-pH)));          //C-terminal charge
    QN2=-AspNumber/(1+pow(10,(3.9-pH)));            //D charge
    QN3=-GluNumber/(1+pow(10,(4.07-pH)));            //E charge
    QN4=-CysNumber/(1+pow(10,(8.18-pH)));            //C charge
    QN5=-TyrNumber/(1+pow(10,(10.46-pH)));        //Y charge
    QP1=HisNumber/(1+pow(10,(pH-6.04)));            //H charge
    QP2=1/(1+pow(10,(pH-8.2)));                //NH2charge
    QP3=LysNumber/(1+pow(10,(pH-10.54)));            //K charge
    QP4=ArgNumber/(1+pow(10,(pH-12.48)));            //R charge


- isoelectric point is found when NQ is equal to zero. We start from pH = 0, if the result is bigger than 0, we increase pH for example of 0.01 (assumed precision). We are doing this until NQ <= 0.

A computer program's source code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>               
#include <fstream>                
#include <string>                    

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      std::string protein;
          ifstream aa;
       aa.open("aa.txt");        //we are getting the data from the file (we assume that we have aa.txt file)
       aa>>protein;                //the sequence should be in one letter code (uppercase letters)
 int ProtLength;                       //now we are getting protein length
   ProtLength = protein.length();
   char Asp = 'D';
   char Glu = 'E';
   char Cys = 'C';
   char Tyr = 'Y';
   char His = 'H';
   char Lys = 'K';
   char Arg = 'R';

int AspNumber = 0;
int GluNumber = 0;
int CysNumber = 0;
int TyrNumber = 0;
int HisNumber = 0;
int LysNumber = 0;
int ArgNumber = 0;

int i=0;

for ( i = 0; i <= protein.length() - 1; ++i)              //  we are looking for charged amino acids
              if (protein[i] == Asp)

              if (protein[i] == Glu)

              if (protein[i] == Cys)

              if (protein[i] == Tyr)

              if (protein[i] == His)

              if (protein[i] == Lys)

              if (protein[i] == Arg)

    double NQ = 0.0; //net charge in given pH
    double QN1=0;  //C-terminal charge
    double QN2=0;  //D charge
    double QN3=0;  //E charge
    double QN4=0;  //C charge
    double QN5=0;  //Y charge
    double QP1=0;  //H charge
    double QP2=0;  //NH2 charge
    double QP3=0;  //K charge
    double QP4=0;  //R charge
    double pH = 0.0;           

for(;;)                //the infinite loop

// we are using pK values form Wikipedia as they give quite good approximation
// if you want you can change it



  //if you want to see how the program works step by step uncomment below line
  //      cout<<"NQ="<<NQ<<"\tat pH ="<<pH<<"\ti:" <<i++<<endl;      

if (pH>=14.0)
   {                                                 //you should never see this message
  cout<<"Something is wrong - pH is higher than 14"<<endl;  //

if (NQ<=0)                            // if this condition is true we can stop calculate

 pH+=0.01;                            // if not increase pH

 ofstream outfile;                //we are writing results to outfile.txt
   outfile << "Protein length: "<<ProtLength<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of Asp = "<<AspNumber<<endl;  
   outfile << "Number of Glu = "<<GluNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of Cys = "<<CysNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of Tyr = "<<TyrNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of His = "<<HisNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of Lys = "<<LysNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of Arg = "<<ArgNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Protein isoelectric point: "<<pH<<endl;
   cout << "Protein isoelectric point: "<<pH<<endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Here you can get compiled source ready to use


Calculation of protein isoelectric point using bisection

As one can easily see the equation is calculated many times (about 650 times based on average isoelectric point of all proteins with  precision of 0.01). Due this a naive algorithm consumes lots of time. If we calculate isoelectric point only once it is of no importance, but in other cases such an approach to an issue is inefficient. To speed up the calculation of isoelectric point we will use method so-called bisection.

Bisection method is a scientific term of one of  the most conceptually simple and  simultaneously very effective technique to do problematic or complicated equations.

The way the bisection works will be explained on isoelectric point calculation example:
1) imagine the space of  potential  solutions as a line with defined length (in our case its length is 14),
2) next split this section to a half and calculate the main equation in the middle point. If NQ>0, the answer must be on the left part of the line (isoelectric point is less than pH of the middle point). If NQ<0, the answer is on the right part of the line,
3) repeat step 2 until NQ=0 or NQ will be sufficiently close to 0.

Presented approach to isoelectric point calculation can be found in other sources too. For example, a Mr Tabb already proposed it in 2001, but it looks like he did not know that "his" algorithm is a quite common and is widely used. Nevertheless, his article is worthy of recommendation as a superb source of the theoretical basis in isolectric point calculation (I write theoretical because you do not find there anything more than theory). 

Tabb DL (2001) An algorithm for isoelectric point estimation.

In our case the implementation of bisection method in C++ language can look more or less like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>               
#include <fstream>            
#include <string>                

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      std::string protein;
          ifstream aa;
       aa.open("aa.txt");        //we are getting the data from the file (we assume that we have aa.txt file)
       aa>>protein;                //the sequence should be in one letter code (uppercase letters)
   int ProtLength;                       //now we are getting protein length
   ProtLength = protein.length();
   char Asp = 'D';
   char Glu = 'E';
   char Cys = 'C';
   char Tyr = 'Y';
   char His = 'H';
   char Lys = 'K';
   char Arg = 'R';

int AspNumber = 0;
int GluNumber = 0;
int CysNumber = 0;
int TyrNumber = 0;
int HisNumber = 0;
int LysNumber = 0;
int ArgNumber = 0;

int i = 0;

for ( i = 0; i <= protein.length() - 1; ++i)              //  we are looking for charged amino acids
              if (protein[i] == Asp)

              if (protein[i] == Glu)

              if (protein[i] == Cys)

              if (protein[i] == Tyr)

              if (protein[i] == His)

              if (protein[i] == Lys)

              if (protein[i] == Arg)
    double NQ = 0.0; //net charge in given pH
    double QN1=0;  //C-terminal charge
    double QN2=0;  //D charge
    double QN3=0;  //E charge
    double QN4=0;  //C charge
    double QN5=0;  //Y charge
    double QP1=0;  //H charge
    double QP2=0;  //NH2 charge
    double QP3=0;  //K charge
    double QP4=0;  //R charge
    double pH = 6.5;             //starting point pI = 6.5 - theoretically it should be 7, but
                                           //average protein pI is 6.5 so we increase the probability
    double pHprev = 0.0;         //of finding the solution
    double pHnext = 14.0;        //0-14 is possible pH range
    double X = 0.0;
    double E = 0.01;             //epsilon means precision [pI = pH ± E]
    double temp = 0.0;


for(;;)                //the infinite loop

// we are using pK values form Wikipedia as they give quite good approximation
// if you want you can change it



if (pH>=14.0)
   {                                                 //you should never see this message
  cout<<"Something is wrong - pH is higher than 14"<<endl;  //

//%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   BISECTION   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    if(NQ<0)              //we are out of range, thus the new pH value must be smaller   
        temp = pH;
        pH = pH-((pH-pHprev)/2);
        pHnext = temp;
        cout<<"pH: "<<pH<<", \tpHnext: "<<pHnext<<endl;
    else                  //we used to small pH value, so we have to increase it
        temp = pH;
        pH = pH + ((pHnext-pH)/2);
        pHprev = temp;
        cout<<"pH: "<<pH<<",\tpHprev: "<<pHprev<<endl;

       if ((pH-pHprev<E)&&(pHnext-pH<E)) //terminal condition, finding isoelectric point with given precision
//conclusions: due the usage of bisection method we could shorten the calculation to 10-12 iterations!!!

 ofstream outfile;                //we are writting results to outfile.txt
   outfile << "Protein length: "<<ProtLength<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of Asp = "<<AspNumber<<endl; 
   outfile << "Number of Glu = "<<GluNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of Cys = "<<CysNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of Tyr = "<<TyrNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of His = "<<HisNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of Lys = "<<LysNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Number of Arg = "<<ArgNumber<<endl;
   outfile << "Protein isoelectric point: "<<pH<<endl;
   cout <<endl<< "Protein isoelectric point: "<<pH<<endl<<endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Ask your self, whether it was worth once’s while to go for such troubles. As you can see, now the main equation is calculated by the program only about ten times (instead of average 650 times).

Here you can get compiled source ready to use


More speed improvements ...

Although, in theory we can improve our program due the imposing more optimal conditions during the middle point determination, it will not make better too much as the verification of more and more conditions will consume our saved time.
There is at least one more way to increase the program's speed  (about tenfold).  Such a change will be like " hitting the nail on the head" and none of sophisticated algorithms can do this. So how can one achieve this?

This is quite easy, the only thing we have to do is to look at the problem from different side.

Look again at the equation. It is quite complicated,  we are multiplying, dividing or even worse we are calculating powers (the exponent is negative floating-point number). This is everything what the computer hates. But wait a moment, are every operations necessary. If we satisfy by defined precision (e.g. 0.01) we can easily notice that there is finite number of possible partial solutions of the denominator of  the main equation (here it is 1400 x 9 matrix). If we calculate denominators for each buffer pH for pH (with assumed precision) and put them into an array we can get rid of power calculation (the preparation of this array is not a hard thing, the reader can write simple program, which will collect partial solutions - treat it like training in programming). Now, the only thing that we will have to do is dividing the number of particular amino acid by appropriate value from the array. Moreover, C and N terminus charges are a constant in defined pH, so in this two cases we can calculate them once and for all.
At first sight limiting to 0.01 precision seems to be not a good idea, because doing this we take away an accuracy of the algorithm. But on the other hand,  there is no need to calculate isoelectric point with greater precision as the outcome will be encumbered with errors mentioned earlier. That is why more critical will be to employ values of pKas (which were used by us) than calculating denominator with extraordinary precision.

Here you can get the program with source code ready to use

Download: pI_optimal.exe
